Sunday, March 4, 2012

Craft Month: Week 1

Its the first week of craft month and I plan on using up all of my scrap yarn!

My first project is a simple ribbed hat.  I was originally going to use a pattern I found on Ravelry but I decided to go simple with ribbing.  I am using green scrap yarn that I used to make a headband for my friend in January.  

The second project I am working on is almost done!  I plan on posting pictures soon! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy Craft month!!!


What a joyous month for us crafters!  This month I plan to finish one project every week using yarn from my stash!  I am so excited and I already have a few projects planned out!  Perhaps a few cute headbands one week, or maybe a cute lace hat for the springtime?  

The first week of craft month I plan on finishing a green hat and hopefully *fingers crossed* the scarf I am knitting in the round that I started last month.  

I hope you all have a great month!